in the PRESS



“The film is beautiful. It captured so many of the tiny moments that are so precious to me in my line of work. It also captured some of the moments that were unique to the 2020 elections and the pandemic. And it's those moments that make this film so hugely important.”

– Town Clerk, Grace Bannasch

I’ve been an election official here in Madison, WI going on 27 years, most of that as chief inspector. Over the years I looked at it as my contribution to public service. But the emotional drag, … or wounds over the last 3 years have just sapped my enthusiasm. I’m glad that you have this program on because maybe it's pumped me to say yes to working again on November 8th.

– John, Election Official, Madison, WI

Actually seeing the backend of the election process is so valuable and made me think differently of it myself. The film was a very smart approach to seeing the process.”

– Rachel Orey, Associate Director of Elections, Bipartisan Policy Center

I was impressed by all the processes that each ballot goes through, and how there is a procedure for anything that can go wrong. The film really showed how each vote is valued, and the lengths the workers went through was very impressive.

– John Snowdy, DC Public Charter School Board

"[No Time To Fail]... a fly-on-the-wall documentary valentine to elections workers"

– Ty Burr

"See this film -- a real eye opener about all the things election officials do to make sure your vote counts."

– Pam Fessler, former NPR Washington Bureau correspondent

"Every American Voter should see No Time To Fail. It tells the story of local and state election officials in a compelling way: watch their competence, determination, and humanity in the face of running an election during covid and attacks on the integrity of the system."

– Rick Hasen, UCLA scholar, Election Law

"Watching No Time to Fail, I can’t help but think about what would have happened two years ago if someone hadn’t been there to react to the never-ending challenges that came up. If no one was there who had the experience necessary to think through every possible problem. We must protect these defenders of democracy."

– Eric Tisler, Brennan Center for Justice

"In a stroke of pure filmmaking genius, the film ends on the morning of January 6th. You see the workers complete their jobs and send off the electors for certification in Washington, D.C. Of course, none of them knew that a mob awaited, ready to negate all their hard work and vigilance because they were unhappy with the legitimate outcome. The effect of ending the film just before the insurrection began is stunning. "

– Michael Gemme, NH Film Festival Review